
11 October 2024

Chapter 20 Meetings

Chapter 20 meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each Month  at 7:30pm in the Crowne Plaza, Santry

The exceptions are December when a Chapter Table Quiz is held at 8pm and February when the Chapter 20 AGM is held at 8pm, again in the Crowne Plaza, Santry..

Each Month it is hoped to have an informative Presentation on current and topical issues

Apart from Delegates and Alternates, Visitors are always welcome but cannot take part in voting

Chapter 20 Dinner Dance

Details of the Chapter 20/21 Dinner Dance - 19th. October 2013 advised to Delegates & Credit Unions. Booking to be advised at the earliest convenience to


Monthly Meeting Reports

Delegate Reminder - Commencing for the next Chapter 20 meeting in September 2012, Reports will ONLY be availbale on-line. Reports will no longer be posted to delegates..

Chapter 20 Website

Welcome to the Chapter 20 Website which offers the following benefits......


Repository for Officer Reports, Presentations and Documents,

365*24*7 Access to Current & Retrospective reports / presentations

Calender for Meetings / Events

Delegate Notifications via Email

Delegate Contact details (Name/ Email / Phone / Address)

Greater delegate support for reporting back to local CU using the online reports

Direct Links to each of Chapter 20 Credit Unions website

Increased efficiency at Chapter meetings



Have you got news for us?

Send us your news and views so that we can keep our news current and up-to-date. If you have any other queries or comments we would be delighted to hear from you at any time.